3 ways to reset your nervous system when anxiety hits

Looking around the room, my palms started to sweat. It was hard to swallow and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, I was pregnant and my uterus was starting to contract. I was at my fathers funeral, I knew that going into the room, where his casket was open, was going to cause all these symptoms to get worse; a full-blown anxiety attack. So, I stayed outside, I let my husband love on me, I took deep breaths, and focused on the feeling of the sun on my face. Then, when the time came, I knew I could go in and give the eulogy I had written for my dad. I knew that what I had done calmed my nervous system and I was going to be ok.

Anxiety attacks can be terrifying, shallow breath and sweat with a fast heartbeat and highjacked nervous system. Anxiety and panic attacks can affect anyone at any time, so if you find that you are experiencing anxiety try these 3 ways to reset your nervous system.

  • Get grounded in your present moment. Feel your feet on the ground. Look around you and notice at least 5 things in your surroundings. REALLY notice these things. Reach out to touch them if you can, what do they smell like, feel like on your skin, sound like? If you feel like you are floating off, try sitting or laying down if you can. What does the earth or the wall feel like? Can you imagine it holding you, cradling you? Get really present. Takes some deep breaths, let your belly fill all the way with air, then wring it all out.

  • If you don’t have the time or the space to do the above practice, quick and easy is to take 5 pieces of gum (or more) and start chewing them all at once. The sugar from the gum in your stomach and the chewing motion of your mouth triggers your body to turn on the rest and digest functions of your parasympathetic nervous system. Helping you to calm down from the inside out.

  • Finally, your breath, there are lots of ways that your breath can affect your nervous system and the overall well being of your body and mind but in this article let’s just focus on the breath that will help you through anxiety. I’d like to suggest the box breath. It’s a breathing technique used by the navy seals before missions, so if it works to calm the nerves of a navy seal, it’s worth a shot for your anxiety. The box breath works like this… You inhale for a certain number (I always start with 4) hold your breath in for that same number, then exhale for that same number, and hold your breath out for that same number. If you chose 4 as your number it would look like this…

    inhale 2-3-4 hold 2-3-4 exhale 2-3-4 hold out 2-3-4

If anxiety and panic attacks are part of your everyday life then I recommend also seeking some professional help. Yoga therapists, psychologists, breathwork experts, counselors are all people who can help you learn to go deep into your body, mind, and spirit to uncover what these attacks are trying to tell you so that you can heal the root of what’s going on. These techniques can help you when you are in the ocean of anxiety, but seeking professional help can keep you on the shore of your life more and more. I hope you found these helpful tools for you.

On Wednesday, Jan 29th I will be doing an Instagram live interview with @itsbrittanystuart to talk about crippling anxiety and depression and what she has done to find healing and a connection to her body. If you would like to join us fund me on Instagram @beautifulandbeloved. If you miss the live, a replay of our conversation will be on the beautiful and beloved youtube channel in the tales of the warrior playlist, click the button below to check it out.


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